Use "was killed|be kill" in a sentence

1. To kill or be killed was a risk that I accepted.

2. This competition is kill or be killed, and I will kill you where you stand, dead, end of story.

3. When he killed Blackie, they wanna kill him.

4. 24 Patriotism is the willingness to kill and be killed for trivial reasons. Bertrand Russell 

5. Are you going to kill me just as you killed that Egyptian?’

6. Self respect is something that can't be killed. The worst thing is to kill a man's pretense at it. Ayn Rand 

7. He was the fifth person to be killed in sectarian violence.

8. Amalgamates cannot be killed, at least the one I tried to killed (the one in sink) was not possible.

9. You will be killed.

10. " He was not at all afraid To be killed in nasty ways

11. I was almost killed.

12. I was nearly killed.

13. Achilles killed both of these, but Paris then managed to kill Achilles with an arrow in the heel.

14. She was dressed to kill.

15. You will certainly be killed!

16. state and the MySQL server is killed (for example, with kill -9 on Unix) or shuts down abnormally, the transaction can be continued after the server restarts.

17. Babbitt was unarmed when she was killed

18. He was killed shortly afterwards.

19. The driver was killed instantly.

20. He was killed by stifling.

21. The passenger was killed outright .

22. Miraculously, no one was killed.

23. Look , Martha was dressed to kill!

24. His surrogate father figure was killed.

25. She must be ready to kill me.

26. Abbate was killed in combat Dec

27. Ram was killed in an accident.

28. My uncle was killed during Blitzkrieg.

29. Corporal Gierson was killed in combat.

30. Her son was killed in battle.

31. She was killed by an Assassin.

32. Geriatric nurse Susan, was killed instantly.

33. It was malaria that killed him.

34. That's the point she can be killed.

35. Surely the young hedgehog would be killed.

36. Pushkov was killed by the Estonian mob.

37. Cheng's sister... was also killed by himb

38. He was killed serving Project Mayhem, sir.

39. He was killed by a hired assassin.

40. He was killed by a single bullet.

41. He was killed in a border skirmish.

42. Nepotianus was killed alongside his mother Eutropia .

43. He was killed by a drunken driver.

44. He was killed in the air crash.

45. She was killed in/during the Blitz.

46. 13 He was killed by the sniper.

47. Rania Alayed: Mum was warned she would be killed by violent husband years before her death

48. Mr. Reese, it was never my intention for people to be killed because of the Machine.

49. Nak was very angry and killed her.

50. He was killed in a car accident.

51. The unmistakable clue of Franz Joseph’s undead ancestors Culpability in the plot to kill him in Sarajevo is obvious: he was killed because his car made the wrong turn onto Franz Joseph Street which is behind the Appel Quay which was the route that was supposed to be used.

52. He was killed while on assignment abroad.

53. Sebastian was almost certainly killed in battle.

54. He was killed in a mortar attack.

55. One person was killed during the hijacking.

56. Her younger son was killed in action.

57. Mordred was killed and Arthur mortally wounded.

58. He was killed when his parachute malfunctioned.

59. Gandhi was killed by a religious fanatic.

60. He was killed on duty last night.

61. It was I who killed your father

62. She was killed by Islamists in 2014.

63. The explorer was killed by barbaric people.

64. Unless the Grand Theogonist is killed outright the Jade Griffon will enable him to sustain wounds which would kill an ordinary man.

65. She was scoping you for the kill, bro.

66. After that, you will be killed on sight.

67. But I can't watch my friend be killed.

68. For example, consider what happened when Jesus told his disciples that he was about to be killed.

69. Paul was about to be killed when Roman tribune Claudius Lysias and his men quelled the riot!

70. Don't be crazy, or you'll get yourself killed.

71. He was going to bring manioc and meal to the feast... in which I would be killed.

72. Among those killed was commander Colonel James Fannin.

73. The daughter was killed; the father, severely injured.

74. The problem was that it killed more people.

75. It was terrifying. We might have been killed.

76. One passenger was killed and some were released.

77. A civilian was killed by a stray bullet.

78. 1 The explorer was killed by barbaric people.

79. She was within an inch of being killed.

80. The woman who was killed by my abductor?